The Mediocre Opera Series:
YouTube's Fake engagement policy:
FightinCowboy uses View-Bots on different Social Medias, and they are clearly his or from some associate. I know this is quite a bold claim, but I don't say it lightly, it would put my Channel at risk if I was clearly wrong. While I may not be 100% accurate with my assumptions, the goal is not about being perfect about it, but to showcase that many, MANY of FightinCowboy's Fans, including those with Memberships and Super Thanks, have very similar Bot-like Traits and do things that defy human logic. The evidence is the abundance of strange behaviors carried across a wide range of Users, it's completely insane.
Basically, this First Part of the Mediocre Opera is some sort of Supercut Version of the MOUNTAINS of evidence I will be showcasing to you, but you also may need to see the full context of what I've come across for veracity sake. This is what the latter Videos are about, focusing on particular subjects that I've talked about here or also other findings that didn't got into this, and where I omit nothing and explain the Bot Behaviors and what to look for, they're pretty much Raw.
They're a bit long though, I really don't know how differently to showcase everything due to my impairment, but I'm fully commited to be transparent, all the way.
So what did I come across?
The Bot Patterns to look for does include the odd speech patterns that we all should know already; the vast majority of FC's "Fans" all parrot each other, such as saying all-around dumb shit or mentioning Dark Souls in Let's Plays completely unrelated to FromSoftware, and also the Accounts being devoid of life and being very old or recent can be odd too.
The YouTube Playlists were the missing piece in the end; his Fanbase would have Playlists that made absolutely no sense, such as including Cocomelon in their Hip-Hop and Rap songs, reality was breaking around me from seeing all this shit. They also have very oddly specific Themes and weird Names, such as solar panels and lawncare, I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of very unique tastes. Another thing is they often share similar tastes to FC's, which would make sense if they are his "Fans", but the several dozens Workout Playlists struck me as odd especially when they have Spooky Halloween Ambiences within them, and they'd put Elden Ring Content inside Car Stuff, so this further proves they are very well HIS Bots.
Sorry if I had to explain so much here, making it clear I would be transparent and I don't claim 100% Accuracy, but so I won't have to repeat myself across the entire Series. Do look over on the YouTube Versions for further context in the Descriptions, plus Comment Sections, the Playlist is linked at the top.
Explaining the Series: 0:00:00
Going through my findings (finally): 0:29:08
Conclusion, sorta: 1:42:24